A Rembrandt invention: A new Baptism of the Eunuch
A singural work
Clumsy R. details
Continuity of composition
Continuity of style
Counter-intuitive approach
End of an Enigma
Evidences for attribution
F. Garcìa-Garcìa report
J. Graindorge Lamour – report
lightest intervention
M. van de Laar restoration report
material history
Michel van de Laar condition report
Missing element – The Munich drawing
No comment
Odilia Bonebakker’s Thesis
P.Klein report
Page d’exemple
Palimpsest theory
Pictorial tradiction
Print copy after Rembrandt
Q & A
R. Costa Pinto report
R. next move
So typical of R.
Sound arguments
The Baptism of the Eunuch by Rembrandt ca 1630 – Digest
The Baptism of the Eunuch by Rembrandt ca 1630 – General presentation
Vertical delusion – Visscher’s etching
P.Klein report